Programming & Software skills:Python

Programming & Software skills:Python

Image credit: Unsplash

Skills used in My Papers

Complex Network Analysis (ANA)

In the Decreased Virtual Water Outflows from the Yellow River Basin Are Increasingly Critical to China, I used the popular Python package Networkx to apply CNA.

Agent-based modelling (ABM)

I’m working on an open-source package 「coupling human and natural systems in ABM」(CHNS_Agents). This package provides a framework for building coupled human and natural systems. More information can be found in my project: Complex system modelling of human-water relationships.

Causal inference

In the paper [[Item Water Allocation Institution]], I applied 「Differenced Synthetic Control」by Python to analyze institutional shifts’ net effect on water use.

Time series analysis

Analyzing time-series data are available in a lot of my papers since evolution is of my top concerns:

Data visualization

I’m also a big fan of [data viz]([[Soft skills_Visualization]]) in Python; here are some of my workpieces:

Figure 1

Skills used in projects for Fun

Command Line Tool: Mksci

The twist is a strong advocate of open science and reproducible research. He also developed an open-source framework package, “mksci”, for scholars to manage their multi-sources datasets, approaches, outputs, and manuscript versions easier.

Django Project: Dream Bottle

Open-source project for fun. Codes are accessible on GitHub


Shuang Song
Shuang Song
Postdoctoral Researcher

A geographer who also travels.